Wednesday, August 5, 2015


How Keen is Indomie to Social Media? 

Prior to these this era of technology, social media websites have been used by so many companies for advertising because the costs are relatively cheap and most of the people open their social media accounts multiple times a day. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Path are the most used social media websites that people use, but actually there are more social media websites that companies can use in their promotion, such as YouTube, DailyMotion, etc. 

Indomie uses all of the most used media to promote their products online. From their Facebook page, we can see their activities in posting pictures or quotes in their timeline. . Currently, there are 1.2 million likes on Facebook which is quite interesting because it is really effective in promoting their noodles. From their Instagram, they currently have around 6000 followers and 59 posts (@indomieid). 

The most interesting part is that the consumers even make videos that they posted on YouTube about Indomie, which are quite famous around the world. Free advertising done by the consumers are definitely interesting. 

Personally, I think that using the social media for the promotion is definitely one of the best way that companies can do because it is free, fast, and effective instead of paying so much money on the advertising on the newspaper and magazines. Additionally, most of the people nowadays are really into the social media websites/ applications, that they tend to open their accounts multiple times every single day. 

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